Heath Facts

Federal Government of Pakistan; Locally manufactured, Imported and veterinary Drugs (1999-2003)

Human Locally Manufactured Drugs

Year Drugs Registered
1999 731
2000 699
2001 865
2002 3395
2003 2762
Jan, 2004to July 2004 2373
Total 10807

Human Imported Human Drugs

Year Drugs Registered
1999 255
2000 50
2001 33
2002 90
2003 103
Jan, 2004to Sep 2004 124
Total 655

Veterinary Drugs

Year Drugs Registered
1999 203
2000 322
2001 102
2002 193
2003 210
Jan, 2004 toSep2004 92
Total 1122

 Federal Government Expenditure on Health (2007-08)

Development Expenditure Rs. 14.272 billion
Current Expenditure Rs. 3.791 billion

Health Indicators

Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)
(per 1000 persons)
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR)
(per 100,000 live births)
Under -5mortality rate
(per 1000 persons)
Parasite Incidence of Malaria
(per 1000 persons)
Incidence of TB (per 100,000 persons) 181
Fertility Rate (percentage) 4.1 (source: NIPS)
Contraceptive prévalence rate % 30 (source: NIPS)
Births attended by skilled persons % 19
Population growth rate 1.9
Total Population 159.06: million
(source NIPS)

 Health Services Delivery (2006-07) 

Total Health Facilities 13,937
Hospitals 965
Dispensaries 4,916
Basic Health Units 4,872
Rural Health Centers 595
MCH Centers 1,138
TB Centers 371
First Aid Points: 1,080
Beds in hospitals & dispensaries 105,005
Population per bed 1,515
Population to health facility ratio 11,413

Human Resources(Registered, 2007)

Doctors 107,835
Doctors registered as specialists 19,623
Dentists 7446
Dental specialists 433
Nurses 43,646
Midwives 2,788
Lady Health Visitors 3,864
Lady Health Workers  95,000
Lady Health Supervisors 3,385
Population per doctor 1,475
Population per dentist 21,362
Population per nurse 3,644

Academic Institutions(2007)·

Public sector: Medical colleges 23
Dental colleges 9
Private sector Medical colleges: 24
Dental colleges: 12

Federally Administered Medical Facilities

Total health facilities includes 7 hospitals, 39dispensaries, 1 TB clinic, 4 MCH Centers, 3 RHCs, 14 BHUs Reported data for 09 hospitals and dispensaries ( 2006-07)

Patients treated in OPD 4,637,970
Patients operated 74,444
Patients attended in emergency 922,037