Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) Lord college of Pharmacy has an innovative model of corruption name Dr. Sajid Bahsir. This culprit is working as head and damaging pharmaceutical academia. The fraudulent head has successfully obtained the affiliation from the University of the Punjab; that indicate the poor evaluation proceeding and protocols of local pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan
The Quaid-e-Azam Campus of the University of the Punjab is located in an area spread over 1800 acres of lush green landscape, was designed by the renowned Greek Architect A.C. Doxiadis who also designed Islamabad. This campus is the center of academic and administrative activities of the university. A canal dividing the academic blocks from the student lodgings adds to the beauty of the Campus.
The University of the Punjab Act, 1973 (Act IX of 1973) [16 May 1973] an Act to re-constitute and re-organize the University of the Punjab give us the detail of affiliation of teaching institutions. The Chapter VI, Sub-section 36, 37 and 38 of the University of the Punjab Act, 1973 (Act IX of 1973) explains the affiliation of educational institutions to the university if the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan. The detail is as under,
36. Addition of courses by affiliated educational institutions. – Where an educational institution desires to add to the courses of instruction in respect of which it is affiliated the procedure prescribed under sub-section (3) of section 35 shall, so far as may be, be followed.
37. Reports from affiliated educational institutions. – (1) Every educational institution affiliated to the University shall furnish such reports, returns and other information as the University may require to enable it to judge the efficiency of the educational institution.
(2) The University may call upon any educational institution affiliated to it to take within a specified period such action as may appear to the University to be necessary in respect of any of the matters referred to in sub-section (1) of section 35.
38. Withdrawal of affiliation.– (1) If an educational institution affiliated to the University fails at any time to fulfil any of the requirements mentioned in this Act, or if an educational institution has failed to observe any of the conditions of its affiliation, or its affairs are conducted in a manner which is prejudicial to the interests of education, the Syndicate may, on recommendation of the Affiliation Committee, and after considering such representation as the educational institution may wish to make withdraw, either in whole or in part the rights conferred on the educational institution by affiliation or modify such rights.
(2) The procedure to be followed for the withdrawal of affiliation shall be such as may be prescribed.
39. Appeal against refusal or withdrawal of affiliation.– An appeal shall lie to the Senate against the decision of the Syndicate refusing to affiliate an institution, or withdrawing in whole or in part, the rights conferred on an institution by affiliation, or modifying such rights.
[38][Provided that no order under this section shall be passed without affording an opportunity of being beard to the institution to be affected thereby]
Unluckily the Affiliation Committee of the University of the Punjab has granted affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy, that fraudulent head Dr. Sajid Bashir. That will potentially spoil the local pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan.
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