Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) An application No.: 391/823 dated August 18, 2023, was filed in the UNESCO Headquarters, 7 place Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France (eie@unesco.org). The same request was also sent to the
- Transparency International Pakistan, 4-C, Mezzanine Floor, Khayaban-e-Ittehad, Phase VII, D.H.A., Karachi, Pakistan (Tel.: +92 21 35390408-9; Fax: +92 21 35390410; E.: ti.pakistan@gmail.com; W.: http://www.transparency.org.pk)
- Transparency International, International Secretariat, Alt-Moabit 96 10559 Berlin Germany. ti@transparency.org, info-us@transparency.org, https://us.transparency.org/
- Chief Information Commissioner, 1st Floor, National Arcade, A4 Plaza, F-8 Markaz Islamabad, Capital Territory, Pakistan. 051-9261013-4 | appeals@rti.gov.pk
The UNESCO is undoubtedly advocating for accessing to information as a fundamental freedom and a key pillar in building inclusive knowledge for civil societies. You are amazingly contributing to promote the rights and values outlined in the Article 19 of the Universal declaration of Human Rights. The objectives of freedom of expression, promotion of the rule of law and other rights and building trust may not be achieved without accessing to information in established pattern. Those will potentially enabler the nations to make sustainable development in the major sectors including health, environment and employment. Thus, UNESCO helping the member states to comply with and implement international treaties and agreements, norms and standards related to universal access to information as well as to contribute towards peaceful societies (SDG 16). The General Assembly of the United Nations appointed UNESCO in in September 2015 as the custodian UN agency for global monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 16.10.2 : “number of countries that adopt and implement constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for ’public access to information”. Additionally, the access to Information can be defined as the right to seek, receive and impart information held by public bodies. It is an integral part of the fundamental right of freedom of expression, as recognized by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), which states that the fundamental right of freedom of expression encompasses the freedom to “to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”.
An application No.: 385/633-23 dated June 18, 2023 was filed in the office of the Honorable Muhammad Baligh Ur Rehman, Governor of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan to obtain the subject cited information. Unluckily, no response received from respected Governor. Therefore, the appellant requested the Chief Information Commissioner, Islamabad Pakistan under my application No. 389/635-23 dated July 14, 2023 for same information. I did not receive any response from honorable officers of this CIC, Islamabad. So, the Therefore, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France was requested to intervene to obtain the subject cited information under the rights and values outlined in the Article 19 of the Universal declaration of Human Rights. The intervention requested to all possible forums to obtain the information under the rights and values outlined in the Article 19 of the Universal declaration of Human Rights. The information requested are related to the following corruption, irregularities and illegalities of Dr. Sajid Bashir (Ex-Dean Pharmacy) of University of Sargodha, Pakistan,
- The culprit was illegally recruited and appointed as Professor of Pharmacy (BS-21), with due attention to the alleged irregularities pointed out by Prof. Dr. Muhammad llyas Tariq in his revision petition, and failure to perform duty as per requirements Law/Statutes. No.: 385/100422 dated April 10, 2022; case filed in Higher Education Commission, confirmed by the letter No. 05-48/A&C(Affairs)/2016/7151 dated July 01, 2016, and forward to the concerned authority for comments; Writ petition No. 37666/2021, wherein the petitioner has challenged the appointment.
- The irregularities and illegal usage of the resources and power (No.: 431/693 dated December 15, 2022; cases No.: 417/677 dated October 3, 2022 and No.: 411/653 dated August 30, 2022). The concealment of Facts and Hiding the Record of Illegal Appointment of Professor of Pharmacy, University of Sargodha was also reported under letter No.: 377/625 dated March 23, 2022.
- The failure of Drug Manufacturing Project worth of Approximately Rs. 0.8 Billion, After 18 Years of its Deployment; Because of Corruption of Dean Pharmacy and Partner of the Firm M/S University of Sargodha Pharmaceutical Laboratories. No.: 401/643 dated June 23, 2022 (Annexure 4).
- The recovery of illegally and ethically obtained funds by Dean Pharmacy University of Sargodha by misusing of Office Power and Authorities were demanded under application No.: 391/Pharm/22 dated March 24, 2022
The culprit Dr. Sajid Bashir is currently working as principal pharmacy with Lords College of Pharmacy, 53-M, Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Estate, Kot Lakhpat, Lahore Pakistan. That confirm the poor performance of Pharmacy Council of Pakistan. This is also a huge question mark upon the educational substandard and pharmaceutical education quality in country.