1st National symposium for the revision of pharmacy curriculum on 21-23 August, 2023; Participation of an icon of corruption and symbol of dishonesties raised question regarding the quality of this event.


Pharmaceutical Review (Special Reporter) University college of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab has organized 1st National symposium for the revision of pharmacy curriculum on 21-23 August, 2023 in Khanuspur Pakistan. A corrupt and dishonest person Dr. Sajid Bashir has participated and contributed in this event. He is icon of corruption and symbol of irregularities in pharmaceutical academia. This cuprit has long and terrible history of corruption, irregularities and dishonesties as under,

An amazing symbol of corruption, and dishonesties revealed the fundamental factors of poor health standards, substandard pharmaceutical patient’s care and teaching quality in developing world, including Pakistan. | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)

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