Prof. Dr.Saeed Ur Rasheed has been Elected as President of Pharmacist Federation (Pakistan) for Session 2020-21


WhatsApp Image 2020-02-29 at 8.27.29 PM

Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter). The sitting president of Pharmacist Federation (Pakistan) Br. Arif Arian has appointed Br. Malik Muhammad Waheed (C.:+92 300 951 5870) as Chairman Election Commission of Pharmacist Federation (Pakistan). He has completed the electoral procedure for session 2020-2021 last week. The Executive Members have cast their vote as described in Sub-section-III; clause 11-36 of the constitution of Pharmacist Federation (Pakistan).

Br. Iffat Ullah Aziz Pharm-D., M.Phil., (C.: +92 317 0744544) Secretary Election Commission has notified the result under letter No. 771/20  on January 27, 2020. Prof. Dr.Saeed Ur Rasheed (03014629275) has received the majority and elected as president for this session. May Allah bless him courage and strength

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