1st National Symposium entitled “Revision of Pharmacy Curriculum” alert the HEC, Chancellor (Governor Pb.), University of the Punjab Authority, and Federal Government to assure the quality of academic and scientific events.


Pharmaceutical Review (Special Reporter) 1st National symposium entitled “Revision of pharmacy curriculum” held on 21-23 August, 2023 in Khanuspur Pakistan. The participation of Dr. Sajid Bashir, an icon of corruption raised question regarding the quality of event and working pattern of event committee. The syndicate, academic council, sponsors of Punjab University has to intervene to explore the conspiracy. Because the culprit is a most prominent figure that highlight the regularities and dishonesties in academia in Pakistan. Higher Education Commission, Chancellor (Governor Pb.), Punjab University Authority, Higher Education Department and Federal Government should assure the quality of academic and scientific events in Pakistan.

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