Pharmaceutical (Technical Reporter) The systematic and medication errors are potential challenges in healthcare practice as under,
Systems & Medication Errors: Institutions help minimize medication errors; Foster well-trained & knowledgeable staff; Maintain favorable work environment; Institute effective policies & procedures; Patient counseling; Plays important role in reducing medication errors; Increases likelihood of compliance.
Systems Legal Requirements Policies & Procedures: Designed to protect public; Ensure knowledgeable individual involved in process; Help prevent medication errors; Policies & procedures; Establish systems to prevent medication errors; Approximately 33% of errors due to noncompliance with policies & procedures.
Systems Multiple Check Systems might include: Pharmacist reviewing physician order; Pharmacy technician preparing medication; Nurse inspecting dose from pharmacy; Patient asking questions & examining medication before taking it.
Standardized Order Forms – Medication orders easier for: Prescriber to read; Pharmacist & nurse to interpret; Chemotherapeutic agents designated as high alert; Ideal drugs to be included on standardized order form; Use for complicated drug therapies/high-risk drugs; Preprinted forms legible; Informally educate prescriber about formulary
Education & Training Education & training: reduce medication errors: Pharmacy calculations; Compounding techniques; Pharmacy abbreviations; Preparation of iv medications; Computer operation skills; Classes of medications; Generic & trade names; Forms & doses.
Computerization & Automation: Bar coding; Automated dispensing cabinets (ADCs)l Robots; Pharmacy-generated MARs & labels; Computerized physician order entry (CPOE); Decrease # of personnel involved in ordering process; Decrease medication errors in transcription process
When an Error Occurs -Inform pharmacist about any known details: Pharmacist investigates error & contacts physician; Course of action depends on details of error; Inform patient about error; Policies & procedures; Documentation; Medication error reporting form; Quality assurance review
Root Cause Analysis Examine contributing factors: Root cause analysis consists of 5 steps:; Establish team of appropriate personnel; Describe event in detail; Diagram steps that led up to error to determine root cause; Develop specific action plan; Develop outcome measures.