Australia Pakistan Agriculture Scholarships; Coffey International Development

AusAID provides Masters-level scholarships to residents of Pakistan every year under the Australia Awards program. The Australia Awards include Australia Awards Scholarships, Australia Pakistan Agriculture Scholarships and Australia Awards Leadership Program.  The aim of Australia Awards is to contribute to strengthening Pakistan’s human resource capacities by providing scholarships in areas aligned with Pakistan’s development priorities.

The Australia Pakistan Agriculture Scholarships Short Course Awards provide opportunities for short term formal study or training in the priority fields which are aligned with Australia’s development assistance in Pakistan, targeting identified human resource gaps.

This year the application period for the Australia Pakistan Agriculture Scholarships Short Course Awards starts from 20 May 2013. Applicants are invited to apply between 20 May 2013 and 24 June 2013. I’ll encourage you to visit our website for an overview of the offered short course, concept note and eligibility requirements and application process.

These awards are highly targeted and are only offered to qualified Pakistani nationals working in agriculture and rural development. All applicants must meet the eligibility requirements of the offered short course in “Irrigation and Water Resource Management“. It is anticipated that the course will take place in Australia between October and December 2013 and will be facilitated over approximately eight weeks. Selected participants will be required to take leave from their organisations during this period.

We would appreciate your assistance in advertising these awards within your organisation. Please note that we place great importance on social inclusion and equitable gender balance amongst successful candidates; female candidates and people living with disability are encouraged to apply.

The current Australia Awards program is designed to meet the needs of organisations as well as individuals. We therefore welcome applications from employees who have the support of their employers and who can demonstrate that upon their return they will contribute positively towards their organisation and ultimately the development of their country.

If you have any further queries please visit our website or write or contact at the details given below.

Warm regards,

Erum Ayub Rabbani
Australia Pakistan Agriculture Scholarships Manager

Australia Awards

Coffey International Development

Managing Australia Awards for AusAID in Pakistan 
Level 4, Serena Business Complex, Sector G-5/1,

Khayabad-e-Suharwardi, Islamabad, Pakistan
T +9251 2600 186-9, F +9251 2600 191

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