PPA election 2014 sheduled to be held on March 1, 2014; closing date for registration is January 20, 2014; Chief Election Commission Mr. Muazzam Ali Khan


Pharmaceutical review (www.pharmareview .wordpress.com ); The Pakistan Pharmacist Assocaiaotn (PPA) election 2013 scheduled to be held on 21st December, 2013 were postponed. The new polign/ voting date March 1, 2014 has been announced by Chief Election Commission Mr. Muazzam Ali Khan. The dead line date for registration is 20th January, 2014. Hence; all pharmacist are requested to get registration of PPA to elect a mandatory body of pharmacy profession. In case of any problem the pharmacist may contact to “Pharmacist Allaince” to address any issue/ problem.

The registration form is also available at following link;

Membership form PPA

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