Electoral Goals of PHARMACIST ALLIANCE, Pakistan Pharmacist Association

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Drugs Sale License: Implementation of the Drug Rules to assure the issuance of drugs sale license to qualified pharmacist only. That is a standard accepted criteria honored everywhere in the world.

Service Structure: Designing Pharmaceutical service structure for pharmacists working in Public and private sector. It will help to the establish the promotion rules, job descriptions, and duties in miscellaneous positions of this profession.

Independent Directorate of Pharmacy Profession: Establishment of independent directorate of pharmacy profession. That will assure the independent working of experts without any political persuasion, bureaucratic influence and stress of other medical professionals.

Clinical Pharmaceutical Setup: Appointment of Pharmacist in each department of Hospital. Creating new positions at grass root level e.g. rural health centers, basic health units, maternity health centers etc.

Job Security: Confirmation of the employment of pharmacists working on temporary or contract basis in all over the Pakistan. They must also be secured from any professional risk factor.

Initial Wage of Pharmacy Graduates: The minimum starting wage of newly appointed pharmacist must be equivalent to the pay scale of a 17th grade officer of the government of Pakistan.

Free Registration of Professional Bodies: All pharmacists registered with respective Pharmacy Councils are privileged to get free registration with all professional bodies. They are eligible to cast their right to vote either at the work place or area of residence. They also reserve the right to enjoy the advantage at all professional forums

Establishing the District Level Structure: The PPA will be encouraged to establish at district level all over the Pakistan. The local issues will be resolved by respective professionals otherwise provincial and federal command is supposed to help them.

Advertisement of the  Vacant and Announces Posts: Advertisement of the vacant/ announced posts and creation new posts in pharmaceutical setup.

Appointment of Hospital Pharmacists/ Drugs Inspector in KPK: Government has not yet appointed Tehsil wise Hospital Pharmacists/ Drugs Inspectors in Khaiber Pukhtoon Khah and Baluchistan. We enforce, authorities to advertise and appoint the pharmacists at respective positions soon as possible.

New Recruitments and Appointments: Recruitment and appointment of pharmacists in trauma centers, TB centers operation theatres, TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition),drug information centers and Aseptic dispensing to assure the rational utilization of life saving drugs.

Pharmacist as Focal Person: Appointment of the pharmacist as focal person in therapeutics committees, drug purchase committees and clinical pharmaceutical services departments to play as life saving professional.

Pharmacist in Forensic Committee: Advertisement and appointment of pharmacist in forensic committee of federal and provincial governments.

Pharmacists in National and International Programs: Appointment of pharmacists in national and international programs, i.e. DOTS, National Malaria control program, UNICIEF, World Health Organization, National TB Program etc.

Quality Pharmacy Education: Assuring and maintaining the quality pharmacy education through strict control on over the teaching institutions via pharmacy council of Pakistan, teachers training programs, research grants.

Practice Oriented Training/Education: Collaboration of pharmacy institutions with the hospitals, industries, laboratories and research centers to improve the scientific and the profession vision of students.

Trainings programs: Organizing the training programs, seminars and conferences all over Pakistan to update the knowledge of Pharmacists.

Welfare Activities: Participation in the natural disasters i.e. earth quack, flood, massive outbreaks of infectious diseases, IDPs etc with in 24 hours of the emergencies to help the victims.

Industrial Pharmacist: Appointment of pharmacist at least in each section of the industry to make sure the quality production. Similar the pharmacists should be appointed in each section of quality assurance department.

Pharmacists in Armed Forces: Appointments of pharmacists in the armed forces, naval hospitals, combine military hospitals (CMH’s) in uniform.

Pharmacists in Autonomous Institutions: Appointment of qualified pharmacists in autonomous institutions i.e. Railways, WAPDA, PTV, PIA etc on permanent and regular basis with all benefits.

Professional Collaborations: Collaborating with other international pharmaceutical organizations i.e. Canadian Pharmacist Association, The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB), Common Wealth Pharmacist Association (CPA), and Federation of Asian Pharmacists Association (FAPA).  has not yet appointed Tehsil wise Hospital Pharmacists/ Drugs Inspectors in Khaiber Pukhtoon Khah and Baluchistan. We enforce, authorities to advertise and appoint the pharmacists at respective positions soon as possible.

New Recruitments and Appointments: Recruitment and appointment of pharmacists in trauma centers, TB centers operation theatres, TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition),drug information centers and Aseptic dispensing to assure the rational utilization of life saving drugs.

Pharmacist as Focal Person: Appointment of the pharmacist as focal person in therapeutics committees, drug purchase committees and clinical pharmaceutical services departments to play as life saving professional.

Pharmacist in Forensic Committee: Advertisement and appointment of pharmacist in forensic committee of federal and provincial governments.

Pharmacists in National and International Programs: Appointment of pharmacists in national and international programs, i.e. DOTS, National Malaria control program, UNICIEF, World Health Organization, National TB Program etc.

Quality Pharmacy Education: Assuring and maintaining the quality pharmacy education through strict control on over the teaching institutions via pharmacy council of Pakistan, teacher training programs, research grants.

Practice Oriented Training/Education: Collaboration of pharmacy institutions with the hospitals, industries, laboratories and research centers to improve the scientific and the profession vision of students.

Trainings programs: Organizing the training programs, seminars and conferences all over Pakistan to update the knowledge of Pharmacists.

Welfare Activities: Participation in the natural disasters i.e. earth quack, flood, massive outbreaks of infectious diseases, IDPs etc. within 24 hours of the emergencies to help the victims.

Industrial Pharmacist: Appointment of pharmacist at least in each section of the industry to make sure the quality production. Similar the pharmacists should be appointed in each section of quality assurance department.

Pharmacists in Armed Forces: Appointments of pharmacists in the armed forces, naval hospitals, combine military hospitals (CMH’s) in uniform.

Pharmacists in Autonomous Institutions: Appointment of qualified pharmacists in autonomous institutions i.e. Railways, WAPDA, PTV, PIA etc on permanent and regular basis with all benefits.

22. Professional Collaborations: Collaborating with other international pharmaceutical organizations i.e. Canadian Pharmacist Association, The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB), Common Wealth Pharmacist Association (CPA), and Federation of Asian Pharmacists Association (FAPA).

Pakistan Pharmacist Association


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