Biostatistics & SPSS ,statistical data analysis, sample size estimation thesis,dissertation,synopsis writing/ data analysis


Stop worrying about biostatistics & spss ,statistical data analysis, sample size estimation
thesis,dissertation,synopsis writing/ data analysis. If you encountering a problem regarding:

  1. Study sample size estimation
  2. Statistical analysis through statistical softwares like spss,sas,stata,open epi,epi info etc.
  3. Developing study designs
  4. Thesis writing / synopsis writing
  5. Research works / research projects
  6. Applying appropriate statistical methods/
  7. Computer software based statistical analysis.

We provide consultancy in:

  1. Statistical analysis through SPSS, SAS, STAT etc.
  2. Study sample size estimation / study designing,…etc.
  3. Provide guidance in wrinting thesis, synopsis, research reports,…etc.
  4. Recommend appropriate statistical techniques & methods and conduct statistical analysis.
  5. Organizing and directing the collection and processing, analysis of statistical data on various subjects matter relevant to health & social research.
  6. Write statistical and data management sections of the joint medical and statistical study reports for assigned projects.

For further information & consultancy;
Hafiz.M.Jasim, Consultant Biostatistician & Data Manager, Lahore, Pakistan. Contact: +92-333-4539010

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