LEST WE FORGET YOU; The Great Personalities of Pharmacy, Health and Education – Br. Muhammad Iqbal and Prof. Dr. Riffat-Ul-Zaman.



Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter). Grand Pharmacist Alliance (GPA) is a major part of Pakistan Pharmacist Association (PPA) and encompassed the entire breadth of life sciences which also reflected in the range of their activities. They believe that being part of community pharmacist have to encourage the scholar, foster the issues and deliver mission more effectively. As the role of the pharmacist has evolved and grown over the past 300 years. Therefore GPA has unified stance on causes and battles important to the profession to raise the pharmacist’s profile.
Grand Pharmacist Alliance has acknowledged the great contribution of deceased pharmacist leaders Br. Muhammad Iqbal and Prof. Dr. Riffat-Ul-Zaman. They also decided unanimously to continue the mission started by these Hero’s. That will potentially help to improve the health standards, life quality and professional ethics.



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