Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter). Federation of International Pharmacist (FIP) marks the anniversary of the inception in 1912 and FIP’s Council initiate the “World Pharmacist Day” in 2009. Afterward, the pharmacy professional around the world led campaign to organize this day every year with the theme chosen by the FIP Bureau. World Pharmacy Week was also declared and celebrated in 2020 by FIP. That extends the entire pharmacy profession and obviously covering all sectors of this life saving profession.
Thus, all Pakistani pharmacists working around the world should organize, participate and celebrate the “World Pharmacists Day” and/ or “World Pharmacy Week” at any possible level and capacity.
As a service to the profession, Pakistan Pharmacist Association (PPA) offers a range of ideas to make this event/ week fruitfully conclusive. Members of PPA should use the available resources and material to celebrate World Pharmacists Day/ World Pharmacy Week 2023.
Lastly, I wish all the best to pharmacists around the world.
Taha Nazir PhD Acting President
Pakistan Pharmacist Association (PPA), office@pakistanpharmacistsassociation.com, https://pakistanpharmacistsassociation.com, office@pakistanpharmacistsassociation.com