Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) The Faculty of Pharmacy was recognized and approved by the Pharmacy Council of Pakistan under Pharmacy Act 1967 and other Health Caring Organization of Pakistan. The Department of Pharmacy has been converted into Punjab University College of Pharmacy (PUCP) on 11th March 2004. Punjab University College of Pharmacy is one of the oldest institutions in Pakistan. Mission of the college is to improve the quality of pharmacy education in Pakistan through excellent and updated courses conducted within an educative and friendly researched based innovative environment.
Unfortunately the office of the principal and dean of the University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab has compromise on the quality of pharmacy education. They have granted affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy where a corrupt culprit is working as principal. The writ petition was filed in Lahore High Court and challenged his illegal appointment during his bad service in University of Sargodha.
Currently Prof. Dr. Syed Atif Raza is working as Principal of this Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
For detail, click on link Determination and Understanding The Potential Reasons Hurting Healthcare System in Developing Countries | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)