Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) Unluckily the Affiliation Committee of the University of the Punjab has granted affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy. Where a fraudulent culprit Dr. Sajid Bashir is engaged as head of the institution. That will potentially hurt the local quality of the pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan.
The University of the Punjab has a summer campus at Khanaspur located at a height of about 7,000 feet in the Himalayan range near Ayubia. This campus, in addition to providing research facilities, is also used as a recreational center for the faculty and the students. The University has also established its sub-campuses at Gujranwala and Jhelum. Major disciplines at these campuses include Business Administration, Commerce, Law, and Information Technology. Newer disciplines are being added progressively to these campuses.
Unluckily the Affiliation Committee of the University of the Punjab has granted affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy, that fraudulent culprit Dr. Sajid Bashir is engaged as head of institution. That will potentially spoil the local pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan.
Schedule [Section 49] and Sub-section 10 of the first Statutes of the University of the Punjab, the University of the Punjab Act, 1973 (Act IX of 1973) described the structure and composition of affiliation committee as under,
10. Affiliation Committee.– (1) The Affiliation Committee shall consist of–
(i) Chairman to be nominated by the Syndicate;
(ii) two Professors to be nominated by the Academic Council; and
(iii) the Director of Education of the Region concerned and the Director of Technical Education.
(2) The term of office of the members of the Committee, other than ex-officio members, shall be two years.
(3) The Affiliation Committee may co-opt not more than three experts.
(4) The quorum for a meeting of or for an inspection by the Affiliation Committee shall be three.
(5) An officer of the University to be designated by the Vice-Chancellor for this purpose shall act as Secretary to the Committee.
(6) The functions of the Affiliation Committee shall be–
(a) to inspect the educational institutions seeking affiliation with, or admission to the privileges of the University and to advise the Academic Council thereon;
(b) to inquire into complaints alleging breach of conditions of affiliation by affiliated colleges and to advise the Academic Council thereon; and
(c) to perform such other functions as may be prescribed by Regulations.
The health care system is fundamental part of any society, national and/ or country. The pharmaceutical patient care is the primary component of public health. There are so many reasons that hurdle the development of system. However, the major potential factors can be determined by review following given information. That also help to plan and establish the quality standards of healthcare system in developing part of the world.
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