Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) Prof. Dr. Nadeem Irfan Bukhari Dean and Professor of Pharmacy write the testimonial for his institution on the day of his retirement as under,
āParting and departing are the parts of life. It is the time for me to depart from and say goodbye to the Punjab University College of Pharmacy (PUCP), University of the Punjab (PU). A today is my last official day. I remained there, as usual for guiding my research students. Affiliation and working with PUCP/PU for more than 35 years as student, part- and full-time teacher, two times Principal and then Dean, Committees chairman (Maintenance & Repair, Medicine Purchase, Reimbursement of publication charges, and evaluation of dossiers for Deans) and members of several committees was an enriching experience. I am very proud of it. I learnt new ways of going about my general, academic and managerial work. Meanwhile I tried to give my best. I am sad that I have to leave my best associates (past and present seniors, peers and juniors, lab and management staff), but excited to embark on the new life chapter. I am sad on leaving my Alma Mater, lovable from all angles. What life would be without it? How my dedications would be shifted to others. Wish I be one of a red brick among many of the building. A couplet from Bakhshi reflects my feelings. I do not count performance, impact factor, publications; rather I consider my dedication with PUCP, interactions with students, problem solved, values taught and contribution in lives. I credit my all successes to my team and associates. I take this opportunity to thank all my above associates. I am also thankful to my predecessors and wish the best for my successors. If I have inadvertently said/done something hurtful, I apologize. I wish you all the best of everythingā.