July 12, 2024
by PharmaReviews

The Committee for Affiliation of colleges of the University of the Punjab affiliated a college where a culprit is appointed as principal, who had been effectively used as potential instrument of illegalities in University of Sargodha.


Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) The University comprises five campuses, 19 Faculties, 08 Constituent Colleges, and 138 departments, centers, and institutes. The University also has 658 affiliated colleges. It has 991 full-time/regular and 300 part-time faculty members involved in teaching/research and 49,520 on-campus students. (29,588 Morning, 18,838 Evening and 1,094 Diploma students).
The University of the Punjab Act, 1973, (Act IX of 1973) Chapter VI, the detailed procedure and fundamental information given for the affiliation of educational Institutions to the university as under,
       35.          Affiliation.
       36.          Addition of courses by affiliated educational institutions.
       37.          Reports from affiliated educational institutions.
       38.          Withdrawal of affiliation.
       39.          Appeal against refusal or withdrawal of affiliation.
Whereas, the Chapter I, Preliminary (ii) define the “Affiliated College” means an educational institution affiliated to the University but not maintained or administered by it; and the “Affiliation Committee” defined as one of the preliminary authority in Sub-section (ix). Chapter IV, Sub-section 22 defined all internal institutional “Authorities” of the University of the Punjab as under,
             (i)  the Senate;
            (ii)  the Syndicate;
           (iii)  the Academic Council;
           (iv)  the Boards of Faculties;
            (v)  the Board of Studies;
           (vi)  the Selection Board;
          (vii)  the Advanced Studies and Research Board;
         (viii)  the Finance and Planning Committee;
           (ix)  the Affiliation Committee;
            (x)  the Discipline Committee ; and
           (xi)  such other Authorities as may be prescribed by Statutes.
But unluckily the current headship of College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab has potential role to hurt the academic quality of pharmacy profession in Pakistan. That is confirmed by granting affiliation to the Lord College of Pharmacy Lahore. This college appointed principal that was appointed in exercise of special powers under Section 13(3) of the University of Sargodha Ordinance 2002. The basic purpose was to use this culprit as potential instrument of illegalities.

For detail brows web link Determination and Understanding The Potential Reasons Hurting Healthcare System in Developing Countries | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)

July 12, 2024
by PharmaReviews

The Affiliation Committee of the University of the Punjab is Potentially hurting the Quality Education; Granted Affiliation to a College Principal Alleged in Writ Petition in Lahore High Court, Lahore


Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) The University of Punjab is the largest and the oldest seat of higher learning in Pakistan. That was established in Lahore, Panjab Pakistan in 1882; and first formal educational institution established in Muslim majority area of Indian sub-continent. University of Punjab has played a leading role in spreading higher education and tried to provide a supportive environment for researchers, academicians and scholars. Additionally, it has safe and lovely environment, along with low affordable tuition fees. In the Preamble of the University of the Punjab Act, 1973 (Act IX of 1973) it is mentioned that expedient to re-constitute and re-organize the institution for the purposes of improving the teaching, research provided thereby, publications and administration thereof, safeguarding its autonomy and democratising its constitution. The contents are thereby enacted as chapters, sections, sub-sections and schedules.

Unfortunately, the office of The Affiliation Committee of the University of the Punjab has compromise on the quality of pharmacy education. They have granted affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy where a corrupt culprit is working as principal. The writ petition was filed in Lahore High Court and challenged his illegal appointment during his bad service in University of Sargodha.

Currently Prof. Dr. Syed Atif Raza is working as Principal of this Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

For detail, click on link Determination and Understanding the Potential Reasons Hurting Healthcare System in Developing Countries | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)

June 27, 2024
by PharmaReviews

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