Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) Allama Iqbal Campus, named after the great South Asian thinker and poet-philosopher. Its Indo-Islamic architecture houses Colleges of Art and Design, IT and Pharmacy along with the most historic Oriental College, the first avatar of the University which was established in 1870. It is located on the Mall Road of Lahore.
The University of the Punjab Act, 1973 (Act IX of 1973) [16 May 1973] an Act to re-constitute and re-organize the University of the Punjab give us the detail of affiliation of teaching institutions. The Chapter VI, Sub-section 35, of the University of the Punjab Act, 1973 (Act IX of 1973) explains the affiliation of educational institutions to the university if the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan. The detail is as under,
35. Affiliation.– (1) An educational institution applying for affiliation to the University shall make an application to the University and shall satisfy it–
(a) that the educational institution is under the management of the Government or of a regularly constituted governing body;
(b) that the financial resources of the educational institution are sufficient to enable it to make due provision for its continued maintenance and sufficient working;
(c) that the strength and qualifications of the teaching and other staff, and the terms and conditions of their service, are adequate to make due provision for the courses of instruction, teaching of training to be undertaken by the educational institution;
(d) that the educational institution has framed proper rules regarding the efficiency and discipline of its staff and other employees;
(e) that the building in which the educational institution is to be located is suitable, and that provision will be made in conformity with the Statutes and the Regulations for–
(i) the residence of students, not residing with their parents or guardians in the hostels established and maintained by the educational institution or in hostels or lodgings approved by it; and
(ii) the supervision and physical and general welfare of students;
(f) that provision has been made for a library and adequate library services;
(g) that where affiliation is sought in any branch of experimental sciences, due arrangements have been made for imparting instruction in that branch of science in properly equipped laboratory, museum and other places of practical work;
(h) that due provision will, so far as circumstances may permit, be made for the residence of the principal and members of the teaching staff in or near the college or place provided for the residence of students; and
(i) that the affiliation of the educational institution will not be injurious to the interests of education or discipline of educational institutions in its neighborhood.
(2) The application shall further contain an undertaking that after the educational institution is affiliated, any transference of and changes in the management and in the teaching staff, save in the case of Government Colleges, shall be forthwith reported to the University, and that the teaching staff shall possess such qualifications as are or may be prescribed.
(3) The procedure to be followed in disposing of an application for the affiliation of an educational institution shall be such as may be prescribed.
(4) The Syndicate may, on the recommendation of the Affiliation Committee, grant or refuse, affiliation to an educational institution:
Provided that affiliation shall not be refused unless the educational institution has been given an opportunity of making a representation against the proposed decision.
However, the Affiliation Committee of the University of the Punjab has granted Affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy Lahore, who has appointed a corrupt institutional head to spoil pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan. Further detail is available at Determination and Understanding The Potential Reasons Hurting Healthcare System in Developing Countries | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)