October 9, 2024
by PharmaReviews

The World Pharmacists Day 2024 hosted by IITECH (PharmD Institute) Gujranwala, Pakistan

Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) It’s an opportunity to honor the vital role pharmacists play in healthcare. On September 25, 2024 World Pharmacist Day all over the world. A celebrations hosted by IITECH (Pharm- D) Institute Gujranwala, Pakistan. Dr. Hafiz Faisal was invited Chief Guest of the event. #WorldPharmacistsDay
At II-TECH, student obtained the formal education and become leaders of tomorrow. The faculty is full of highly qualified staff – both foreign and local talent. With practical industry experience, the faculty focuses on nurturing practical skills among students. With cutting-edge research facilities and innovation-driven programs, our students are encouraged to explore and contribute to innovation. Additionally, the campus offers vibrance opportunities for students from various backgrounds to connect for lifelong friendships. Hence, II-TECH, don’t just educate, but inspire and prepare the leaders of tomorrow.

August 6, 2024
by PharmaReviews

Prof. Dr. Bashir Ahmad Passed away while Working as Examiner in Faisalabad.


Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) Dr. Bashir Ahmad was a highly skilled, competent and hardworking professor. He served different institution including Riphah International University, University of Lahore, University of the Punjab and University of South Asia. He was expert pharmacist, clinical scientist, skilled teacher, and international expert of Clinical Pharmacology. He completed his B.Pharm and B.Pharm from Pharmacy Department, University of Punjab in 1972 and 1974 respectively. He got his Ph.D. degree from Welsh School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Cardiff University, Wales, and UK in 1988. He did his Post-Doctoral Fellowship (NIDA/INVEST) from U.S.A from December 1995 to December 1996.

Prof. Dr. Bashir Ahmad has served as Head of Pharmacology and Physiology Division Pharmacy Department Punjab University Lahore, Pakistan. (October 1976 to May 2012). Additionally, he served as Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy University of the Punjab, Lahore from April 2010 to May 2012. He joined Pharmacy Department Punjab University in 1974 as Demonstrator. He worked as Lecturer from October 1976 to November 1990, then promoted as Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Pharmacy Department, P.U. Lahore in Nov 1990. He also served as Associate Professor of Pharmacology, from August 1991 to November 2000, until he was named as Professor of Pharmacology, Pharmacy Department, PU Lahore, Pakistan.

Prof. Dr. Bashir Ahmad has worked as Hospital Pharmacist in Ministry of Health Benghazi, Libya (March 1979 to February 1983). He is widely known as an advocate for therapeutics-related research, from basic science to health policy research.

Additionally, Prof. Dr. Bashir Ahmad is the author of more than 100 research papers, the majority related to Pharmacokinetics/ Pharmacodynamics. Prof. Dr. Bashir Ahmad is an accomplished teacher and mentor of Doctor of Pharmacy Students and residents, infectious diseases fellows and infectious diseases specialty pharmacist residents. He is the recipient of many teaching awards. He lectures worldwide on the safe, effective use of antimicrobials and other medications.

July 12, 2024
by PharmaReviews

Potential Reason that Hurting the Healthcare System in Developing Countries including Pakistan


Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) Unluckily the Affiliation Committee of the University of the Punjab has granted affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy. Where a fraudulent culprit Dr. Sajid Bashir is engaged as head of the institution. That will potentially hurt the local quality of the pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan.

The University of the Punjab has a summer campus at Khanaspur located at a height of about 7,000 feet in the Himalayan range near Ayubia. This campus, in addition to providing research facilities, is also used as a recreational center for the faculty and the students. The University has also established its sub-campuses at Gujranwala and Jhelum. Major disciplines at these campuses include Business Administration, Commerce, Law, and Information Technology. Newer disciplines are being added progressively to these campuses.

Unluckily the Affiliation Committee of the University of the Punjab has granted affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy, that fraudulent culprit Dr. Sajid Bashir is engaged as head of institution. That will potentially spoil the local pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan.

Schedule [Section 49] and Sub-section 10 of the first Statutes of the University of the Punjab, the University of the Punjab Act, 1973 (Act IX of 1973) described the structure and composition of affiliation committee as under,  
10.    Affiliation Committee.– (1) The Affiliation Committee shall consist of–
            (i)  Chairman to be nominated by the Syndicate;
           (ii)  two Professors to be nominated by the Academic Council; and
          (iii)  the Director of Education of the Region concerned and the Director of Technical Education.
      (2)  The term of office of the members of the Committee, other than ex-officio members, shall be two years.
      (3)  The Affiliation Committee may co-opt not more than three experts.
      (4)  The quorum for a meeting of or for an inspection by the Affiliation Committee shall be three.
      (5)  An officer of the University to be designated by the Vice-Chancellor for this purpose shall act as Secretary to the Committee.
      (6)  The functions of the Affiliation Committee shall be–
            (a)  to inspect the educational institutions seeking affiliation with, or admission to the privileges of the University and to advise the Academic Council thereon;
            (b)  to inquire into complaints alleging breach of conditions of affiliation by affiliated colleges and to advise the Academic Council thereon; and
            (c)  to perform such other functions as may be prescribed by Regulations.
The health care system is fundamental part of any society, national and/ or country. The pharmaceutical patient care is the primary component of public health. There are so many reasons that hurdle the development of system. However, the major potential factors can be determined by review following given information. That also help to plan and establish the quality standards of healthcare system in developing part of the world.

  1. A legendary dishonest and symbolically corrupt retired official has surprisingly appointed principal of Lords College of Pharmacy, Lahore to damage pharmacy profession in Pakistan  | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  2. The Administration of the Lord College of Pharmacy, affiliate University of the Punjab, Lahore and Pharmacy Council of Pakistan, Islamabad has Accepted and Endorsed an Illegal Appointment of Rt. Govt. Corrupt Official | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  3. An Innovative Model of Corruption, Good Peace of Falsity and Useless Crape is Appointed as Principal of Lords College of Pharmacy, Lahore, An Alarm for Pharmacy Academia in Pakistan | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  4. HR Department of Lords College of Pharmacy (LCP) Lahore has Engaged and Hired a Culprit and Appointed as Principal to Continue the Spoiling the Pharmacy Academia in Pakistan | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  5. A Fraudulent Culprit Appointed as Principal of a Private Pharmacy College, in Lahore Pakistan after Successfully Failing the Drug Manufacturing Project Worth of Appr 0.8 billion, After 18 Years of its Deployment | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  6. A Corrupt Person is appointed Principal of the Lords College of Pharmacy, Lahore Pakistan | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  7. Lords College of Pharmacy, Lahore has appointed a deceiver as principal of the institution in Pakistan | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  8. Mr. Iran Ullah Khan Assistant Director, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation & Coordination, Govt. of Pakistan has replied; Now Pharmacy Council of Pakistan has to Undertake the Case for Necessary Action. | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  9. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Failed to Comply and Obtain the Document under Right to Information from University of Sargodha, Pakistan. | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  10. The Honorable Muhammad Baligh Ur Rehman, Governor of Punjab & Chancellor University of Sargodha Failed to Comply with RTI Act, 2013 and Article 19-A of the Constitution of Pakistan; Obtain the Information from University of Sargodha, Pakistan. | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  11. Chief Information Commissioner, Pakistan Failed to Comply with RTI Act 2013 and Article 19-A of the Constitution of Pakistan; Unsuccessful to Obtain the Information from University of Sargodha, Pakistan | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  12. The Direction of Governor Punjab/ Chancellor University of Sargodha disrespectfully Ignored, Mocking the System & Encouraging the Corruption/ Irregularities in Pakistan. | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  13. Discriminatory Role and Poor Performance of Global Right to Information Rating; Confirmed by Ignoring/ Avoiding Enforcing the RTI Act 2013; Article 19-A of Constitution of Pakistan and Punjab Transparency. | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  14. UNESCO Headquarters; An Institution with Compromised Performance in Pakistan. | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)

July 12, 2024
by PharmaReviews

Lord college of Pharmacy having a fraudulent head, successfully obtain the affiliation from the University of the Punjab; That may potentially spoil the local pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan

Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) Lord college of Pharmacy has an innovative model of corruption name Dr. Sajid Bahsir. This culprit is working as head and damaging pharmaceutical academia. The fraudulent head has successfully obtained the affiliation from the University of the Punjab; that indicate the poor evaluation proceeding and protocols of local pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan

The Quaid-e-Azam Campus of the University of the Punjab is located in an area spread over 1800 acres of lush green landscape, was designed by the renowned Greek Architect A.C. Doxiadis who also designed Islamabad. This campus is the center of academic and administrative activities of the university. A canal dividing the academic blocks from the student lodgings adds to the beauty of the Campus.
The University of the Punjab Act, 1973 (Act IX of 1973) [16 May 1973] an Act to re-constitute and re-organize the University of the Punjab give us the detail of affiliation of teaching institutions. The Chapter VI, Sub-section 36, 37 and 38 of the University of the Punjab Act, 1973 (Act IX of 1973) explains the affiliation of educational institutions to the university if the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan. The detail is as under,
36.    Addition of courses by affiliated educational institutions. – Where an educational institution desires to add to the courses of instruction in respect of which it is affiliated the procedure prescribed under sub-section (3) of section 35 shall, so far as may be, be followed.
37.    Reports from affiliated educational institutions. – (1) Every educational institution affiliated to the University shall furnish such reports, returns and other information as the University may require to enable it to judge the efficiency of the educational institution.
      (2)  The University may call upon any educational institution affiliated to it to take within a specified period such action as may appear to the University to be necessary in respect of any of the matters referred to in sub-section (1) of section 35.
38.    Withdrawal of affiliation.– (1) If an educational institution affiliated to the University fails at any time to fulfil any of the requirements mentioned in this Act, or if an educational institution has failed to observe any of the conditions of its affiliation, or its affairs are conducted in a manner which is prejudicial to the interests of education, the Syndicate may, on recommendation of the Affiliation Committee, and after considering such representation as the educational institution may wish to make withdraw, either in whole or in part the rights conferred on the educational institution by affiliation or modify such rights.
      (2)  The procedure to be followed for the withdrawal of affiliation shall be such as may be prescribed.
39.    Appeal against refusal or withdrawal of affiliation.– An appeal shall lie to the Senate against the decision of the Syndicate refusing to affiliate an institution, or withdrawing in whole or in part, the rights conferred on an institution by affiliation, or modifying such rights.
      [38][Provided that no order under this section shall be passed without affording an opportunity of being beard to the institution to be affected thereby]
Unluckily the Affiliation Committee of the University of the Punjab has granted affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy, that fraudulent head Dr. Sajid Bashir. That will potentially spoil the local pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan.

Further information available at Determination and Understanding The Potential Reasons Hurting Healthcare System in Developing Countries | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)

July 12, 2024
by PharmaReviews

University of the Punjab, (Affiliation Committee) Lahore granted Affiliation to a college engaged a corrupt culprit and good piece of crap as head of institution


Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) Allama Iqbal Campus, named after the great South Asian thinker and poet-philosopher. Its Indo-Islamic architecture houses Colleges of Art and Design, IT and Pharmacy along with the most historic Oriental College, the first avatar of the University which was established in 1870. It is located on the Mall Road of Lahore.
The University of the Punjab Act, 1973 (Act IX of 1973) [16 May 1973] an Act to re-constitute and re-organize the University of the Punjab give us the detail of affiliation of teaching institutions. The Chapter VI, Sub-section 35, of the University of the Punjab Act, 1973 (Act IX of 1973) explains the affiliation of educational institutions to the university if the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan. The detail is as under,
35.    Affiliation.– (1) An educational institution applying for affiliation to the University shall make an application to the University and shall satisfy it–
         (a)  that the educational institution is under the management of the Government or of a regularly constituted governing body;
         (b)  that the financial resources of the educational institution are sufficient to enable it to make due provision for its continued maintenance and sufficient working;
         (c)  that the strength and qualifications of the teaching and other staff, and the terms and conditions of their service, are adequate to make due provision for the courses of instruction, teaching of training to be undertaken by the educational institution;
         (d) that the educational institution has framed proper rules regarding the efficiency and discipline of its staff and other employees;
         (e)  that the building in which the educational institution is to be located is suitable, and that provision will be made in conformity with the Statutes and the Regulations for–
                (i)  the residence of students, not residing with their parents or guardians in the hostels established and maintained by the educational institution or in hostels or lodgings approved by it; and
               (ii)  the supervision and physical and general welfare of students;
         (f)  that provision has been made for a library and adequate library services;
         (g)  that where affiliation is sought in any branch of experimental sciences, due arrangements have been made for imparting instruction in that branch of science in properly equipped laboratory, museum and other places of practical work;
         (h)  that due provision will, so far as circumstances may permit, be made for the residence of the principal and members of the teaching staff in or near the college or place provided for the residence of students; and
         (i)   that the affiliation of the educational institution will not be injurious to the interests of education or discipline of educational institutions in its neighborhood.
      (2)  The application shall further contain an undertaking that after the educational institution is affiliated, any transference of and changes in the management and in the teaching staff, save in the case of Government Colleges, shall be forthwith reported to the University, and that the teaching staff shall possess such qualifications as are or may be prescribed.
      (3)  The procedure to be followed in disposing of an application for the affiliation of an educational institution shall be such as may be prescribed.
      (4)  The Syndicate may, on the recommendation of the Affiliation Committee, grant or refuse, affiliation to an educational institution:
      Provided that affiliation shall not be refused unless the educational institution has been given an opportunity of making a representation against the proposed decision.

However, the Affiliation Committee of the University of the Punjab has granted Affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy Lahore, who has appointed a corrupt institutional head to spoil pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan. Further detail is available at Determination and Understanding The Potential Reasons Hurting Healthcare System in Developing Countries | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)

July 12, 2024
by PharmaReviews

The Committee for Affiliation of colleges of the University of the Punjab affiliated a college where a culprit is appointed as principal, who had been effectively used as potential instrument of illegalities in University of Sargodha.


Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) The University comprises five campuses, 19 Faculties, 08 Constituent Colleges, and 138 departments, centers, and institutes. The University also has 658 affiliated colleges. It has 991 full-time/regular and 300 part-time faculty members involved in teaching/research and 49,520 on-campus students. (29,588 Morning, 18,838 Evening and 1,094 Diploma students).
The University of the Punjab Act, 1973, (Act IX of 1973) Chapter VI, the detailed procedure and fundamental information given for the affiliation of educational Institutions to the university as under,
       35.          Affiliation.
       36.          Addition of courses by affiliated educational institutions.
       37.          Reports from affiliated educational institutions.
       38.          Withdrawal of affiliation.
       39.          Appeal against refusal or withdrawal of affiliation.
Whereas, the Chapter I, Preliminary (ii) define the “Affiliated College” means an educational institution affiliated to the University but not maintained or administered by it; and the “Affiliation Committee” defined as one of the preliminary authority in Sub-section (ix). Chapter IV, Sub-section 22 defined all internal institutional “Authorities” of the University of the Punjab as under,
             (i)  the Senate;
            (ii)  the Syndicate;
           (iii)  the Academic Council;
           (iv)  the Boards of Faculties;
            (v)  the Board of Studies;
           (vi)  the Selection Board;
          (vii)  the Advanced Studies and Research Board;
         (viii)  the Finance and Planning Committee;
           (ix)  the Affiliation Committee;
            (x)  the Discipline Committee ; and
           (xi)  such other Authorities as may be prescribed by Statutes.
But unluckily the current headship of College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab has potential role to hurt the academic quality of pharmacy profession in Pakistan. That is confirmed by granting affiliation to the Lord College of Pharmacy Lahore. This college appointed principal that was appointed in exercise of special powers under Section 13(3) of the University of Sargodha Ordinance 2002. The basic purpose was to use this culprit as potential instrument of illegalities.

For detail brows web link Determination and Understanding The Potential Reasons Hurting Healthcare System in Developing Countries | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)

July 12, 2024
by PharmaReviews

The Affiliation Committee of the University of the Punjab is Potentially hurting the Quality Education; Granted Affiliation to a College Principal Alleged in Writ Petition in Lahore High Court, Lahore


Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) The University of Punjab is the largest and the oldest seat of higher learning in Pakistan. That was established in Lahore, Panjab Pakistan in 1882; and first formal educational institution established in Muslim majority area of Indian sub-continent. University of Punjab has played a leading role in spreading higher education and tried to provide a supportive environment for researchers, academicians and scholars. Additionally, it has safe and lovely environment, along with low affordable tuition fees. In the Preamble of the University of the Punjab Act, 1973 (Act IX of 1973) it is mentioned that expedient to re-constitute and re-organize the institution for the purposes of improving the teaching, research provided thereby, publications and administration thereof, safeguarding its autonomy and democratising its constitution. The contents are thereby enacted as chapters, sections, sub-sections and schedules.

Unfortunately, the office of The Affiliation Committee of the University of the Punjab has compromise on the quality of pharmacy education. They have granted affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy where a corrupt culprit is working as principal. The writ petition was filed in Lahore High Court and challenged his illegal appointment during his bad service in University of Sargodha.

Currently Prof. Dr. Syed Atif Raza is working as Principal of this Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

For detail, click on link Determination and Understanding the Potential Reasons Hurting Healthcare System in Developing Countries | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)