June 7, 2024
by PharmaReviews

University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab Potentially hurting Quality Education; Granted Affiliation to a College Principal Alleged in Writ Petition in Lahore High Court

Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) The Faculty of Pharmacy was recognized and approved by the Pharmacy Council of Pakistan under Pharmacy Act 1967 and other Health Caring Organization of Pakistan. The Department of Pharmacy has been converted into Punjab University College of Pharmacy (PUCP) on 11th March 2004. Punjab University College of Pharmacy is one of the oldest institutions in Pakistan. Mission of the college is to improve the quality of pharmacy education in Pakistan through excellent and updated courses conducted within an educative and friendly researched based innovative environment.

Unfortunately the office of the principal and dean of the University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab has compromise on the quality of pharmacy education. They have granted affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy where a corrupt culprit is working as principal. The writ petition was filed in Lahore High Court and challenged his illegal appointment during his bad service in University of Sargodha.

Currently Prof. Dr. Syed Atif Raza is working as Principal of this Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

For detail, click on link Determination and Understanding The Potential Reasons Hurting Healthcare System in Developing Countries | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)

June 7, 2024
by PharmaReviews

College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab affiliated a college where a culprit is appointed as principal, who was used as potential instrument of illegalities in University of Sargodha.


Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) A revolutionary step was taken by the Punjab University authorities to upgrade the Department of Pharmacy to the level of Faculty in 1979 and three years B. Pharmacy course was converted to four years graduation course to meet the demand of the profession. As per directions of Pakistan Pharmacy Council, the Punjab University College of Pharmacy is divided into five disciplines, namely: Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Pharmacy Practice

But unluckily the current headship of College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab has potential role to hurt the academic quality of pharmacy profession in Pakistan. That is confirmed by granting affiliation to the Lord College of Pharmacy Lahore. This college appointed principal that was appointed in exercise of special powers under Section 13(3) of the University of Sargodha Ordinance 2002. The basic purpose was to use this culprit as potential instrument of illegalities.

For detail brows web link Determination and Understanding The Potential Reasons Hurting Healthcare System in Developing Countries | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)

June 7, 2024
by PharmaReviews

Principal office of College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore granted Affiliation to a college engaged a corrupt culprit and good piece of crap as head of institution

Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Pakistan.

Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab has the course of study distributed over five years. After the creation of Pakistan, the Department of Pharmacy was re-established as an independent Department in the University of the Punjab, Allama Iqbal Campus, Lahore. Later on, in order to meet the international requirements, B. Pharmacy (4 years) program was converted to Doctor of Pharmacy (5 years) program in 2003.

However the Principal office of College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab has granted Affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy Lahore, who has appointed a corrupt institutional head to spoil pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan.

Further detail is available at Determination and Understanding The Potential Reasons Hurting Healthcare System in Developing Countries | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)

June 7, 2024
by PharmaReviews

College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab has granted affiliation to a college having fraudulent head; An Instigation to spoil the local pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan

University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Pakistan.

Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) Pharmacy education was started in the Province of Punjab of sub-continent in 1944 in the Department of Pharmacology, King Edward Medical College, Lahore, the oldest institution of medical sciences in the country. This education led to the Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy. Unluckily the Principal of this Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab has granted affiliation to Lord College of Pharmacy, that fraudulent head Dr. Sajid Bashir. That will potentially instigation to spoil the local pharmaceutical academia in Pakistan.

Further information available at Determination and Understanding The Potential Reasons Hurting Healthcare System in Developing Countries | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)

Currently Prof. Dr. Syed Atif Raza is working as Principal of this Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

June 7, 2024
by PharmaReviews

We can Determination and Understanding the Potential Reasons that Hurting the Healthcare System in Developing Countries


Pharmaceutical Review (Staff Reporter) The health care system is fundamental part of any society, national and/ or country. The pharmaceutical patient care is the primary component of public health. There are so many reasons that hurdle the development of system. However, the major potential factors can be determined by review following given information. That also help to plan and establish the quality standards of healthcare system in developing part of the world.

  1. A legendary dishonest and symbolically corrupt retired official has surprisingly appointed principal of Lords College of Pharmacy, Lahore to damage pharmacy profession in Pakistan  | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  2. The Administration of the Lord College of Pharmacy, affiliate University of the Punjab, Lahore and Pharmacy Council of Pakistan, Islamabad has Accepted and Endorsed an Illegal Appointment of Rt. Govt. Corrupt Official | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  3. An Innovative Model of Corruption, Good Peace of Falsity and Useless Crape is Appointed as Principal of Lords College of Pharmacy, Lahore, An Alarm for Pharmacy Academia in Pakistan | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  4. HR Department of Lords College of Pharmacy (LCP) Lahore has Engaged and Hired a Culprit and Appointed as Principal to Continue the Spoiling the Pharmacy Academia in Pakistan | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  5. A Fraudulent Culprit Appointed as Principal of a Private Pharmacy College, in Lahore Pakistan after Successfully Failing the Drug Manufacturing Project Worth of Appr 0.8 billion, After 18 Years of its Deployment | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  6. A Corrupt Person is appointed Principal of the Lords College of Pharmacy, Lahore Pakistan | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  7. Lords College of Pharmacy, Lahore has appointed a deceiver as principal of the institution in Pakistan | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  8. Mr. Iran Ullah Khan Assistant Director, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation & Coordination, Govt. of Pakistan has replied; Now Pharmacy Council of Pakistan has to Undertake the Case for Necessary Action. | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  9. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Failed to Comply and Obtain the Document under Right to Information from University of Sargodha, Pakistan. | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  10. The Honorable Muhammad Baligh Ur Rehman, Governor of Punjab & Chancellor University of Sargodha Failed to Comply with RTI Act, 2013 and Article 19-A of the Constitution of Pakistan; Obtain the Information from University of Sargodha, Pakistan. | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  11. Chief Information Commissioner, Pakistan Failed to Comply with RTI Act 2013 and Article 19-A of the Constitution of Pakistan; Unsuccessful to Obtain the Information from University of Sargodha, Pakistan | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  12. The Direction of Governor Punjab/ Chancellor University of Sargodha disrespectfully Ignored, Mocking the System & Encouraging the Corruption/ Irregularities in Pakistan. | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  13. Discriminatory Role and Poor Performance of Global Right to Information Rating; Confirmed by Ignoring/ Avoiding Enforcing the RTI Act 2013; Article 19-A of Constitution of Pakistan and Punjab Transparency. | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)
  14. UNESCO Headquarters; An Institution with Compromised Performance in Pakistan. | (pharmaceuticalsreview.com)

May 13, 2024
by PharmaReviews

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